Passage BD
At Passage the management is acutely aware that achieving our ambitious vision depends on the ability of all our staff, individually and collectively to satisfy the needs of our customers. Thus the company is committed to investing further in training and development, in order to continue to raise our standard of performance. For Passage , training and development means building on hard-won experience, making maximum use of skills and aptitude and providing people with meaningful opportunities to realize their long term aspiration.
Human Resources
The Management of personal, recruitment, counseling, development, training and ongoing education is the decisive success factor. The definition and attainment of goal depends on the enthusiasm, quality to learn , willingness to change and last but not least, the willpower of each individual. Moreover, the success of the company is increasingly individual alone, but also by what or she achieves together with others as a member of a team.
Passage objective is to provide the staff related prerequisite required for the attainment of the company’s goal. The following factors will be decisive for long-term success.

The high professionalism and quality of our constancy services and solution in manpower placement market. Foremost, this requires us to understand the needs of our clients by gaining the best possible knowledge of their situation. Here we offer a broad spectrum of services in the field of human resources export.
The ability to provide multi-sector efficient human resources. We can offer variety of product to our clients.

The Company managed by a team of professional manpower experts headed by Mr. Arif Alam, Managing Director of the company. Presently the strength of the employees in the company is over 25 to handle the manpower placement jobs alone.